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Enrollment Deadline: January 13, 2013

Dear Colleague:

Why can't they STOP?... How many times have you heard this plea of desperation from the loved one of an addict? Or how many times have you caught yourself thinking or saying that to someone you love out of disappointment and frustration?

Did you know that according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in 2006 more than 22 million people needed treatment for addiction? And the problem continues to escalate! This is a war!

That's why I love the Bible verse Paul gave us in Philippians 4:13 that says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” With God, we can overcome addictive behaviors. Because of Christ, we believe in the capacity for change!

Addiction is now the NUMBER ONE public health issue in the United States. As Christians, God wants us to be His instrument of healing and restoration.

The good news is that today's incredible medical and scientific advances have refined the way we understand addictions.

Earn Your Certificate in Addiction & Recovery

I challenge you today to be the vehicle of HOPE God has called each and every one of us to be. Enroll in Light University's Addiction and Recovery Counselor Training Program and build the skills, expertise and confidence necessary to be better equipped to work with substance and behavior addictions.

The entire curriculum is taught in a distance learning format on DVD, so you can study at home at your own pace.

I can't wait to see how God is going to use this new recovery training program. We'd love to be a part of your life!


Tim Clinton, Ed.D., LPC, LMFT, BCPCC
President, American Association of Christian Counselors

Enrollment Deadline: January 13, 2013

ADDICTION & RECOVERY includes 30 engaging DVD lessons featuring some of the world's best Bible teachers, medical experts, counselors, and educators... complete with course lectures, outlines, study notes and exams. All designed to increase your knowledge and people skills.

Imagine the sense of joy and fulfillment you will find learning and being able to more adequately meet the needs of hurting people through biblically-based counsel. You can earn a certificate of completion in Biblical Counseling and up to 30 Continuing Education Credits.

Imagine the confidence, encouragement, and hope that will be gained through a better knowledge of the issues men & women struggle with in today's complex world.

In an age when time and efficiency are at a premium, we offer you the convenience and advantage of classroom instruction sent to you on DVD so you can view and review as you need. There is also a comprehensive work text for going deeper at your own pace.

Light University offers quality training in a distance learning format that allows you to complete your education on your own time in your home or office. You determine your own class schedule and decide when and how you will study.

ADAR 101: Addiction & Recovery: An Introduction
Tim Clinton, Ed.D.
Dr. Tim Clinton describes the epidemic of bondage regarding the issues of addiction, what puts people in bondage, and what keeps them from enjoying the freedom God wants them to have in life. He also discusses how the brain is impacted in that journey because of an addiction, and why people have such a difficult time breaking free. This includes the addiction pattern, the pathway to change, barriers to change, and a message of hope that can be found despite troubling circumstances.
ADAR 102: Theology of Addiction
Ron Hawkins, D.Min., Ed.D.
Dr. Ron Hawkins outlines a biblical theology of addiction and recovery. Every person has a sense of who God is because He has placed eternity in the heart of man. However, the beauty that God created has been defaced because of man's sinful choices in the Garden of Eden. The result is that people must still wrestle with pain that comes from our fallen nature. Dr. Hawkins will discuss the transition from beautiful to vandalized, the problem of pain, and the way to achieve freedom and recovery from addictions.
ADAR 103: Models of Addiction
David Jenkins, Psy.D.
Addiction is a very complex area of study—psychologists and doctors have been trying to conceptualize, treat, and make sense of this destructive cycle for years. Dr. David Jenkins identifies ways in which people have tried to understand addiction. Students will be able to develop systematic ways of looking at addiction in order to point the way toward more effective treatment.
ADAR 104: The Neurobiology of Addiction
Mark Laaser, M.Div., Ph.D. and Todd Clements, M.D.
Drs. Laaser and Clements teach students the importance of understanding how the brain works regarding the problem of addiction. They discuss SPECT imaging, the chemical side of addiction, and how various medications can help. A message of hope is given to those struggling with addiction, as well as helpers who are working with addicts.
ADAR 105: The Addictive Cycle
Eric Scalise, Ph.D.
Dr. Eric Scalise provides a thorough survey of addiction and related factors culminating in the explanation of the addictive cycle. He discusses terminology, as well as the numerous factors that lead to addictive behavior. Dr. Scalise also expounds on the unmet needs that result in addictive behavior and the categories of addiction and drug abuse. The addiction cycle is developed to aid counselors in understanding the addictive process as it occurs at various stages within the mind of addicts.
ADAR 106: Trauma and Addiction
Jennifer Cisney Ellers, M.A., Gary Sibcy, Ph.D. and Daniel Amen, M.D.
What is adolescence? What is "The World Beneath?" Why can't I connect with teenagers today? These questions, along with many others concerning what modern kids believe, will be addressed by the panel. Students will also learn about the process of individuation, the stages of adolescence, and how these constructs have changed in the past 100 years. Special emphasis is placed on the period of mid-adolescence and what adult systems have done to our kids today.

ADAR 201: Biological Aspects of Chemical Dependency and Addiction
Michael Lyles, M.D.
Dr. Michael Lyles describes the neurological factors and processes that occur in the brain during addiction and chemical dependency. He describes the complications of substance abuse and the protective variables that deter drug use and eventual addiction. Dr. Lyles also provides extensive attention to the actual biological and physiological responses to various substances.
ADAR 202: font-size:14px;font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;essants
Michael Lyles, M.D.
Dr. Michael Lyles presents a comprehensive overview of the major depressants counselors may encounter when working with individuals struggling with addiction. He provides an extensive survey for introducing the caregiver to general information and treatment recommendations for clients dealing with marijuana, alcohol, opiates, and barbiturates.
ADAR 203: Prescription Drug Abuse
Michael Lyles, M.D.
Dr. Michael Lyles provides students with a survey of prescription drug abuse in the United States. He cites these highly addictive substances as one of the top threats in terms of addiction due to the accessibility in communities. Dr. Lyles also presents the various types of prescription drugs utilized in abuse, including narcotic pain medications, amphetamines and psychostimulants, and tranquilizers.
ADAR 204: Stimulants
Michael Lyles, M.D.
Dr. Michael Lyles presents a comprehensive overview of the major stimulants counselors may encounter when working with individuals struggling with addiction. He also provides an extensive survey for introducing the caregiver to general information and treatment recommendations for clients dealing with cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine, and nicotine.
ADAR 205: Hallucinogenics
Todd Clements, M.D.
Dr. Todd Clements provides students with a thorough introduction to substance abuse through hallucinogenic drugs. He elaborates on the forms, reactions, and dangers of LSD, ecstasy, ketamine, and PCP in a survey of the primary hallucinogenic drugs abused in the United States. Dr. Clements concludes with a discussion of the addictive nature of the hallucinogenic substances of abuse.
ADAR 206: Inhalants
Todd Clements, M.D.
Dr. Todd Clements provides a thorough introduction to substance abuse through inhalant drugs. He elaborates on the forms, reactions, and dangers of the common, everyday items often used in inhalant abuse, including spray paint, markers, and gasoline, in a survey of the primary abused inhalants in the United States. Dr. Clements concludes with a discussion of the dangers and treatment of inhalant substances of abuse.

ADAR 301: Sexual Addiction
Mark Laaser, M.Div., Ph.D.
Sexual addiction is a complex problem. Dr. Mark Laaser discusses the problems in the Church, the characteristics of sex addicts, as well as the neurochemistry of the brain that sex addicts experience. He also describes the sexual health model, as well as the stages of addiction. Dr. Laaser integrates biblical principles while explaining the key concepts of sexual addiction.
ADAR 302: Eating Disorders and Food Addiction
Linda Mintle, Ph.D.
Eating disorders are often discussed within the mental health community regarding the addictive and impulsive nature of its various conditions. Dr. Linda Mintle presents compelling biological and statistical evidence to define eating disorders as addictions. She presents the four types of eating disorders in addition to various treatment methodologies.
ADAR 303: Gambling Addiction
Gregory Jantz, Ph.D.
The face of gambling is changing and can destroy individuals and families. Dr. Gregory Jantz addresses the issue of gambling, the forms of gambling, how to know if someone has a problem, the gambling addiction continuum, and how to overcome and treat gambling addiction.
ADAR 304: Adrenaline Addiction
Archibald Hart, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dr. Archibald Hart discusses the issue of adrenaline addiction and reveals the heart of the matter behind this particular phenomenon. He explains the basic physiology of adrenal glands, the reasons for adrenaline addiction, and the effects and causes, while providing hope and practical suggestions for overcoming adrenaline addiction.
ADAR 305: Spiritual Addiction & Sexual Addiction
Kenneth Nichols, Psy.D.
There are significant differences between toxic religious behavior and trusted relationships. Dr. Kenneth Nichols describes religious addiction and its underlying contributors. After reviewing specific examples and illustrations, Dr. Nichols discusses true faith, spiritual warfare, and how a person can be set free from toxic addiction.
ADAR 306: Performances Addiction: The Search for Significance
Eric Scalise, Ph.D. and Jennifer Cisney Ellers, M.A.
In this lesson, students will learn about performance addiction—specifically, how it affects people, how it manifests itself, and how it is directly related to one's core beliefs. Dr. Eric Scalise and Jennifer Cisney give detailed examples about the root problems and describe both the reality of performance addiction and how people can experience breakthroughs in their lives.

ADAR 401: Models of Treatment
David Jenkins, Psy.D. and Paris Finner Williams, Ph.D., J.D., Esq.
Drs. David Jenkins and Paris Finner Williams provide an overview of the primary models of treatment used in working with addiction and recovery. Special emphasis is given to the medical treatment, community-based, spiritual, detoxification, and pharmacotherapy models of treatment. Dr. Finner Williams concludes by looking at ethical and cultural considerations.
ADAR 402: Screening, Assessment and Referral
Marian Eberly, MSW, Ph.D. (candidate) and Paris Finner Williams, Ph.D., J.D., Esq.
Marian Eberly and Dr. Paris Finner Williams address a holistic orientation to problems in counseling, addictions, addiction screening tools, and how counselors assess for denial, resistance, and motivation in the recovery process. They also discuss considerations and factors associated with the treatment of addictions.
ADAR 403: Dual Diagnosis and Comorbidity
Gary Sibcy, Ph.D.
Dr. Gary Sibcy presents a thorough overview of the topics of dual diagnosis and comorbidity in addiction. He further expands the concept of developmental pathways by highlighting the characteristics of the early and later starter pathways in the context of addiction and substance abuse. Dr. Sibcy concludes this lesson with an informational interview investigating the issues of dual diagnosis and comorbidity.
ADAR 404: The Obsessive-Compulsive Continuum
Gary Sibcy, Ph.D.
Dr. Gary Sibcy provides counselors with an excellent model for conceptualizing the differences between obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorders and addictive disorders. He provides a survey of the orthogonal relationship between impulsiveness and compulsivity. Finally, Dr. Sibcy provides various treatment methods that illustrate the differences between obsessive-compulsive and addictive disorders.
ADAR 405: Adolescents and Addiction
Leroy Scott, M.S.
Counselors are given information concerning adolescents and the use of addictive substances. Leroy Scott provides various statistics illustrating the surprisingly high substance abuse seen among adolescents in both church and secular communities. He also elaborates on the signs of drug use in adolescents, while highlighting the roles of the counselor, parent, and pastor in utilizing therapeutic interventions. Leroy concludes by focusing on treatment and assessment recommendations for adolescent substance abusers.
ADAR 406: Spiritual Applications
Eric Scalise, Ph.D.
Dr. Eric Scalise examines the spiritual dimension in its relationship to the topic of addiction. He focuses on the concept of the "stronghold" and the Christian's response to various strongholds through faith and commitment to Christ. The lesson continues through the delineation of the origins of five dysfunctional rules that often keep addicts from challenging personal strongholds. Dr. Scalise provides an extensive survey of factors related to addiction management and concludes by offering important considerations regarding the addict's relationship to God.

ADAR 501: Beyond Codependency
Jennifer Cisney Ellers, M.A. and Debbie Laaser, M.A.
Jennifer Cisney Ellers and Debbie Laaser examine the concepts of codependency and dysfunction in the realm of addiction. They also discuss the "losing of self" characteristic within codependent relationships, as well as the various treatment recommendations for both codependents and addicts.
ADAR 502: The Family and Recovery
David Stoop, Ph.D.
Dr. David Stoop examines the dynamics of addiction as it relates to the family. He discusses various genetic and generational arguments in considering the nature of addiction in families. Dr. Stoop also provides a model for analyzing the family dynamics of addiction and concludes that addiction is a family issue.
ADAR 503: Marital Recovery from Addictions
Mark Laaser, M.Div., Ph.D. and Debbie Laaser, M.A.
Dr. Mark Laaser and Debbie Laaser provide a personal testimony of marital recovery from addiction. They highlight key lessons learned and make recommendations for addiction counseling. The Laasers discuss various difficulties encountered in working with marriages in addiction, while developing a model of marital recovery and additional useful resources for study.
ADAR 504: Step-based Approaches and Relapse Prevention
John Baker, M.B.A.
A thorough understanding of the rationale and concepts of the Celebrate Recovery program are presented by founder, John Baker. John describes the Christian heritage of the Alcoholics Anonymous program; develops a Christ-centered, step-based alcoholic recovery program; and discusses various issues that lead to relapse and intentional relapse prevention.
ADAR 505: Legal/Ethical Issues & Social Policy
Paris Finner Williams, Ph.D., J.D., Esq.
Dr. Paris Finner Williams describes areas of addiction and how legal/ethical issues and social policy relate to these areas. She discusses the legal/ethical issues directly related to alcohol, drugs, and other illicit drugs. Finally, Dr. Finner Williams addresses cultural competency issues as they relate to addiction and recovery.
ADAR 506: Biblical Transformation and Renewal
Eric Scalise, Ph.D.
Dr. Eric Scalise discusses the dynamics of biblical transformation and renewal as it relates to the process of change. He describes common factors regarding the change process, forgiveness, and a balanced understanding of God as a Father.

Light University Light University endeavors to deliver high-quality, competency-based Christian education to form, equip, and train servant-leaders in all kinds of pivotal professions and ministries for the 21st century world.